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  • textile

  • industry:服务业及设施,其他服务和设备
  • Release time: 2018/11/23
  • describe:
    Speaking of textiles, one can not help thinking of the life of men and women in ancient times.
Detailed description

Speaking of textiles, people can not help but think of the ancient life of men's farming and women's we**ing, harmonious and beautiful. In ancient times, it was knitted by hand with the aid of shuttle, thread and other tools, one shuttle, one shuttle and one thread, which made people feel that the goods are genuine. However, up to now, there are also different ways of presentation.
Many things in our life are made of textiles, which are cut and processed to get the desired products. There are many kinds of textiles, which can be divided into fourteen **egories according to the structure of silk varieties, the use of raw materials, processing technology, texture, appearance and main uses, etc. According to the use of textiles, they can be divided into clothing textiles, decorative textiles and industrial textiles, and they can also be divided into four **egories according to the mode of production. It can also be divided into threads, belts, ropes, woven fabrics, textile fabrics and so on. Textiles are widely used. In order to be easy to use, a large number of stocks are often needed. Textiles are flammable. The stacking environment of textiles should be f**orable for ventilation and fire prevention. Especially for the stacking of cotton fabrics, the place with good ventilation should be **sen, and the place close to the door and window can be **sen, which is conducive to its preservation. In addition to clothing production, the use of textiles can also be seen in the home textile decoration industry.

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